VET has never rested in providing the best infrastructure to the students of its institution. Continuously upgrading the equipment and facilities, the trust has laid strong emphasis on this aspect. With the addition of new subjects / courses in their institution, the facilities are continuously expanded & upgraded in both content and format and are monitored by the management.

CCTV Camera

Security camera placed in and around the campus would help to combat criminal activities and the offender will think twice before committing any heinous activity. Undoubtedly, running a college is the biggest challenge, as ensuring security is the major responsibility. However, surveillance camera system embedded with the latest technology has made it easier to create a safe and secure environment in college premises.

Fire Extinguisher

The College has strategically placed fire extinguishers on all floors of all facilities. In case of a small fire we can use extinguisher. The fire risk assessment should have looked at college premises construction, size and the type of activities undertaken and then decided on the type and number of fire extinguishers (or other fire suppression systems) required for the identified fire safety hazards.


If disabled students or staff need to be able to reach several floors of the college then, an enclosed platform lift is the solution. Our platform lifts provide years of safe operation allowing access for less able (impaired mobility), students, teachers and parents.

Drinking Water

The college provides access to safe, clean and hygienic drinking water to students through water purifiers installed in ground floor and it is also available in all the floors. The purifiers are professionally serviced at regular intervals for the benefits of students and staff.


Our College has deployed UPS systems to maintain high availability and protect their data centers from power outrages. Maximum uptime, especially in the event of a power failure, is a top priority for the data center pros at the College. Our college uses UPS systems to protect their information systems against a host of power-related issues. A UPS system will provide power protection during power disturbance and blackouts.


The college offers canteen facilities to the students. The canteen offers homely hygienic food and sumptuous food to the students. It maintains the necessary cleanliness and hygiene in preparing and serving the food to students. Canteen Timings:- 7.00 am – 6.00 pm. It provides snacks, drinks and lunch at subsidized rates.


A hostel for boys with homely atmosphere has been provided to facilitate the candidates from outside. The hostel has all the facilities Applications may be obtained from the office after getting the admission to the course. The allotment will be at the decision of the management. The rules and regulations of the hostel to be followed by the inmates rigidly.

Principal Office

Principal’s office is a place to meet students, parents .It is on the first floor and is easily accessible to students.It is fully furnished with all modern technology like CCTV monitors and DVR .

Administrative Office

Administrative office is the place where students can clarify doubts relating to college and P.U.board. It is the place to submit their documents and collect required documents. Admin office is also fully furnished with all required technology. Office is in the first floor next to principal’s office. 


Separate toilets for girls and boys are provided.